Alison thinks for the recovery the world, feminist science-fiction, major care about-really worth, and you will genuine decolonization

Alison thinks for the recovery the world, feminist science-fiction, major care about-really worth, and you will genuine decolonization

Alison (they/them) was an excellent 2018 Intiman Emerging Stage manager and you will multidisciplinary theatre singer dedicated to stage government, leading, and sound structure. Its phase government is actually person-focused, leading looks are technology-send and you may text-possessed, and you will sound construction has naturalistic superimposed soundscapes and you can artisanal nightmare looks. Favorite strategies: Intiman’s The fresh new Events, Brand new Tissue toward Smashed Glass Project, dani tirrell’s Black Bois, WET’s Are Jesus Was, and you will Chart Theatre’s 12 months of one’s Rooster. professionalmomfriend

Jessamyn Bateman-Iino – Stage manager

Jessamyn Bateman-Iino (they/them) is a stage manager and you will prop learn regarding the Seattle area. Prior favorite reveals are Curiouser and you may Curiouser (Restaurant Nordo), Real time! Throughout the Past away from My entire life (Theatre Schmeater, Theatre22) and you will Sweeney Todd (Restart Cinema). However they build lovable and you can weird designs, which can be found during the mutinyhall.

Matt Starritt – Voice Framework

Matt Starritt (he/him) are an excellent Seattle-dependent, freelance voice developer. In Seattle, he has got available for Operate, Seattle Repertory Movies, Intiman Theatre, Seattle Shakespeare Team, Strawberry Cinema Working area, Book-They Repertory Cinema, ArtsWest, Cherdonna, Kitten and you will Lou, This new Century Theatre Business, The new Williams Endeavor, BenDeLaCreme, Waxie Moonlight, zoe | juniper, and Arizona Ensemble Movies. Across the country, they have designed for Alley Movies, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Cornerstone Movie theater Organization, The outdated World, South Shore Repertory, while the Underneath the Radar Event at Social Cinema. He or she is the fresh new sound management at the Meany Cardio to your Doing Arts at University away from Washington and are a founding user of Washington Getup Cinema.

Robert J. Aguilar – Lights Structure

Robert (He/Him) was a good Latinx lights developer. Past activities getting Intiman include Local Gardens, Hir, A wedding ring, Bbq, and Angels in america. Other PNW loans become: From the Heights, MACBETH, A Raisin under the sun, I am My very own Wife, and you will Lizard Boy (Seattle Agent); The season off Phenomenal Convinced, Romeo and you can Juliet, in addition to Wolves (ACT); Urinetown (ACT/The new fifth Method Movies); New Pajama Games, Simple tips to Ensure it is…, and you can Jasper into the Deadland (The fresh 5th Method Cinema); Spelling Bee…, and Sequence (Town Theatre); The brand new Interested Experience of the Canine in the Nights-Some time and About Heights (Portland Cardio Phase). Regional loans are Lizard Boy (Theatre Functions Silicone Area); Little Shop out-of Horrors and you can Marjorie Finest (Pittsburgh Societal); Susan (Personal Theatre UTR); Full Gallop (The old Business); Regarding Heights, Seven Places into Sun (Cincinnati Playhouse about Playground); About Heights (Milwaukee Representative). Film: The newest Jinkx and Dela Vacation Unique, Potato Hopes for The united states. Robert is the lights manager regarding Seattle Representative. IG:robertjaguilar

Pete Hurry – Costume outfit Design

Pete Hurry (he/him) patterns outfits and you can views into theatre. Seattle designs include: Romeo + Juliet, Legend off Georgia McBride, Rapture Blister Shed, Nothing Store out of Horrors, Bad Oranges (ACT); Funny away from Errors, Hamlet, Electra, Authorities Inspector, An effective Doll’s Household, Provider from Venice (Seattle Shakespeare Business); Welcome to Braggsville, The image out of Dorian Gray, Turn of Shag, The fresh Cider Family Regulations, Feel and Sensibility (Book-It Repertory); Jasper in Deadland, Book (fifth Path); The fresh Incorporating Servers (This new Meksika kadД±nlarД± gerГ§ekten AmerikalД±larla evlenmek istiyor mu? Century Theatre Company); Feathers and Teeth, BedSnake, and you will Sextet (Arizona Dress Theatre); and creations on Taproot Theatre, ArtsWest, and you may Seattle Personal Movie theater. Regional: Hangar Theatre, George Roadway Playhouse, Berkshire Theatre Event, Bloomsburg Theatre Dress, and you may Northeast Movie theater Company. He’s got served as a guest singer/adjunct faculty at Seattle College or university. In addition, Pete works well with Seattle Center, in which the guy takes care of 100 % free social programs and you will incidents and additionally Winterfest, university artwork set up, and Movies and you will Shows at Mural.

Devin Petersen – Scenic Structure

Devin was a beautiful developer and you may theatre creator based in Seattle. Lately, his works is observed in Dacha Theatre’s Far Ado From the Absolutely nothing additionally the Broadway Likely Youngsters’ Cinema creation of The small Mermaid. Inside 2019, he helped Jennifer Zeyl on the set build getting Bulrusher within Intiman. A lot more local structure credit were working with Washington Dress Cinema, Annex, On-the-Chatrooms, Seattle Sounds Theatre, The new 5th Avenue Movies, and you will Whitman College or university. Next creations: Town Kidstage’s Matilda the fresh new Tunes and you may Broadway Bound’s spring. Outside the movies, Devin try an avid gardener, angler, hiker, rock-hound, bird-watcher, and you will a passionate wanderer. Special because of their previously supportive partner, Susannah! BA: Whitman College. MFA: NYU Tisch.devinpetersen

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