DAS V & Addlakha Roentgen () Handicap and domestic citizenship: voice, gender, and also the and come up with of your own topic

DAS V & Addlakha Roentgen () Handicap and domestic citizenship: voice, gender, and also the and come up with of your own topic

Social People, thirteen (3), pp. 511-531. Reprinted inside the B Ingstad & SR Whyte (eds) (2007) Impairment inside the Local and you may All over the world Planets, 128-148. Berkeley: College away from Ca Press. Sharing facial disfigurement (pp. 512-521), a case record is given regarding an early on lady, Mandira, whose marriage occurred physically, and you can try followed by rumours one her suitor ended up being bewitched of the ‘dangerous enchanting rites’ so the guy failed to observe their particular disfigurement. Five years later the fresh new spouse passed away, and some family relations believed that Mandira and her mothers had been suitably penalized due to their trickery. Instead of the religious specialist with “throw an effective veil along side husband’s capability to pick and judge, once the so-called by the other people — possibly he previously lifted a great veil and you may allowed Mandira’s spouse to help you look for their particular since she it really is was, acute the exterior looks, as it have been.” Among the many article authors statements, “This was one event on which I found an intricate pass away from cosmological records throughout the beauty and you can ugliness you to mediated the newest method by which the latest societal norms had been articulated. Hindu myths and you can iconography was replete with instances where capability to behold charm it is, to conquer ideas away from repulsion and you may horror in the eyes out-of whatever try ugly and frightening, ‘s the indication of the real enthusiasts.”

But really an effective cousin’s partner understood the condition in different ways

DASEN, Veronique (1993) Dwarfs for the Ancient Egypt and Greece. Oxford: Clarendon. Revised D.Phil. thesis, heavily referenced, considering iconography and you will scientific and you may archaeological evidence. Stops (pp. 246-48) that confident perceptions on dwarfs when you look at the Egypt during c. 3000 years, and a significantly less several months in Traditional Greece, was in fact followed closely by negative views and you can actions inside the Hellenistic and you will Roman symptoms. Influences on perceptions into the dwarfs thaiflirting app, deformity and you can handicap for the countries ‘between’ Egypt and you will Greece tends to be thought within, but are perhaps not right here treated.

DAS GUPTA, Tamonash Chandra (1933, 1937) Dayaram’s Sarada-Mangal. Diary of Service off Letters, School out of Calcutta 23 (1933): 1-29, and you will 29 (1937) 31-81. New poem concerns a beneficial hyperactive, attention-disordered prince who is unable to learn some thing at school, despite twelve many years of efforts to coach him; plus the work of 5 princesses to obtain some degree. The situation is solved, with Saraswati, deity regarding Reading and Expertise.

De- JONG, Albert (1997) Way of living of your own Magi. Zoroastrianism when you look at the Greek and you may Latin Literature. Leiden: Brill. A long addition and you will talk looks, with the chief manner and you will significant trouble in the building a proof-founded history of Zoroastrianism. Speak about comes with the custom of segregating or secluding individuals that have severe problems or handicaps, including leprosy, from inside the a specific place or shelter, called the armest-gah (pp. 240-243). There’ll also provide started some disposal of earlier and infirm individuals, even if De Jong was careful of exaggerations because of the faraway historians (444-445). There’s evidence you to dudes helping on the military, and you can employing a serious infection or disabling standing, was set apart when you look at the an unbarred lay, and provided by an adhere, liquids, and a little dinner. As they got certain stamina, they might remain from the wild animals with the adhere; however, unless they returned rapidly to health, new pet do end up them regarding. Some performed survive and you will came back household, however, were dreadful and you will shunned until that they had gone through an exorcism service (232-233, 239-242, 444-446).

Exposition and you can translation out of an excellent Bengali poem, and therefore by the way include “valuable facts about the condition of knowledge in Bengal” most likely dating throughout the 17th century

DENNIS, James S (1899) Christian Objectives and you will Societal Progress. A beneficial sociological study of overseas missions. step 3 vols. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier. II: 384-87 studies a wide range of late nineteenth century South Asian impairment work by ‘benevolent natives’ and additionally of the missionaries, with sources to help you stuff inside the missionary guides. II: 388-89 temporarily reviews work by missionaries to have blind people in Persia, Chicken, Syria and you will Egypt (find including pictures, III: opp. 524, and literature to own blind somebody, III: 211-12). II: 433-47 surveys leprosy objectives across Asia. Dennis can often be greatly patronising, yet gives a useful bottom line of mission perform having ‘social progress’ during that century.

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