New York Mercantile Exchange Wikipedia

what is the nymex

The NYMEX President, Richard Leone, brought in John Treat, a White House energy advisor, to help restore the credibility of the exchange. It interacts with other financial markets, influencing prices and providing diversification. These regulators enforce laws and regulations designed to maintain market integrity, protect market participants, and ensure the financial soundness of the exchange. The merger combined NYMEX’s leading position in commodities futures and options trading with CME’s extensive offerings in interest rate, equity index, and foreign exchange derivatives.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is the federal agency responsible for regulating futures and options markets in the United States. The CFTC oversees NYMEX’s operations, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations relating to market integrity, financial integrity, and customer protection. Similarly, the prices of agricultural futures contracts can signal future food prices, affecting consumer spending and inflation expectations. As one of the world’s leading commodities exchanges, NYMEX has a significant influence on global commodity prices.

Henry Hub and Liquid Natural Gas

Treat, with Board Chairman Marks and the support of the rest of the NYMEX board, eventually chose West Texas Intermediate (WTI) as the traded product and Cushing, Oklahoma, as the delivery point. Robin Woodhead, who later became the first chairman of the International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) in London started an active dialogue with Treat about whether they could start a Brent Crude oil contracts. Treat was very supportive and gave Woodhead strong support and a lot of advice. Shortly thereafter, after substantial conversations, The IPE was formally launched and started trading Brent. Futures and options on energy, precious metals, and agricultural commodities are sometimes used to speculate, but are also tools for companies, farmers, and other industries that want to manage risk by hedging positions.

After a few days, the trading of the egg was included in it and the name was changed to Butter, Cheese, and Egg Exchange. The name New York Mercantile Exchange was first used in 1882 when the dried fruits, poultry, and canned goods were added to the list. During the economic crisis of 2008, the NYMEX was acquired by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group as it became difficult for the exchange to survive commercially.

Founded in 1872 by a group of dairy merchants, NYMEX originally focused on trading butter and cheese futures. An early version of NYMEX started in 1872 when a group of dairy merchants founded the Butter and Cheese Exchange of New York. In 1994, NYMEX merged with COMEX to become the largest physical commodity exchange at that time. By 2008, NYMEX was not able to commercially survive on its own in the wake of the global financial crisis and merged with the CME Group of Chicago.

The ease with which these instruments are traded on the exchanges is vital to creating protective positions (hedges) and gauging futures prices, making NYMEX an important part of the trading and hedging worlds. Henry Hub is an important market clearing pricing concept because it is based on the actual supply and demand of natural gas as a stand-alone commodity. This means natural gas prices are often indexed to crude oil, which can have very different supply and demand factors affecting its price. Attempts are being made to develop European hub pricing points in the Netherlands and the UK, but this has proved difficult lexatrade review so far due to competition from national hubs.


  • Navigating NYMEX-related fluctuations in precious metals requires a strategic approach incorporating risk management, market analysis, and investment discipline.
  • However, this was little known until the 1970s, when the big potato scandal happened.
  • We have members that come from all walks of life and from all over the world.
  • Trading on NYMEX can be conducted either electronically through the CME Globex trading platform or via open outcry in the trading pits.
  • The post-war era saw the exchange diversify its product offerings to include non-agricultural commodities such as metals and energy products, reflecting the shifting landscape of global trade and industrialization.

In other words, with the addition of Midland, volumes have significantly increased. Each day we have several live streamers showing you the ropes, and talking review berkshire hathaway letters to shareholders the community though the action. What we really care about is helping you, and seeing you succeed as a trader. We want the everyday person to get the kind of training in the stock market we would have wanted when we started out. Options contracts for the S&P500 exchange-traded fund (ETF) SPY are among the most widely traded in the world.

When to Buy Gold & Silver

First, the prices discovered on NYMEX are used as global benchmarks for various commodities, influencing prices in other commodity markets worldwide. It serves as a critical venue for price discovery, allowing market participants to negotiate and agree upon the future prices of various commodities. Understanding the NYMEX is essential for investors in precious metals, as it is where supply, demand, and market sentiment converge. Another factor is that, compared to NYMEX WTI (Cushing), ICE Brent attracts a higher proportion of commercial participants, and a lower proportion of non-commercial investors (managed money). Commercial participants include producers, refiners, consumers, and merchants (physical traders); simply put, this is what most people think of as “the oil business”. In a “contango” market (front-month discount vs. forward month premium), the roll yield is negative, because the participant has to sell at a lower price and buy at a higher price — losing money every time that happens.

For example, electronic trading volume on CME Globe averaged 121,000 contracts daily by September 2007. This might not seem a lot, but it’s a 1,396% increase over the 8,090 daily contracts recorded on the CME Globex platform the year prior. You can’t exactly show up with 1000 barrels of oil or 1000 L of milk hoping to make a sale; that would be ridiculous. The NYMEX is a commodities futures exchange where you can access many commodities trading on its exchange.

what is the nymex

In just one short year, there was a 178% increase in trading over the September 2006 CME Globex volume, totaling 770,000 contracts. NYMEX teamed up with the Chicago esp32 vs esp8266 memory Mercantile Exchange (CME) and started using the CME’s Globex electronic trading platform. Because of shrinking volume, the exchange needed to adopt electronically-based trading systems. Additionally, to remain competitive, the pit’s closure came at the end of trading on Friday, December 30, 2016.

We also offer real-time stock alerts for those that want to follow our options trades. You have the option to trade stocks instead of going the options trading route if you wish. Another shocking statistic is the increase in trading volume within the COMEX division.

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In 1872, a group of Manhattan dairy merchants got together and created the Butter and Cheese Exchange of New York. They were trying to bring order and standardization to the chaotic conditions that existed in their industry. Soon, egg trade became part of the business conducted on the exchange and the name was modified to the Butter, Cheese, and Egg Exchange. In 1882, the name finally changed to the New York Mercantile Exchange when opening trade to dried fruits, canned goods, and poultry.

Increased trading activity on the exchange may attract additional market participants, enhancing overall liquidity and depth in the market, which can impact price movements. By bringing together a diverse array of market participants, including producers, consumers, speculators, and institutional investors, the exchange helps establish transparent and efficient market prices for commodities. These prices serve as benchmarks for global commodity markets, influencing everything from consumer prices to investment decisions.

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