Issue #15: Preventing “fee-padding”

Issue #15: Preventing “fee-padding”

Within the ask for Public Comment, OCCR identified the growth, or at least the perception of the development, that lenders had been increasing costs and points to an amount just beneath the threshold that could qualify that loan as an even more heavily controlled high-rate, high-fee “Section 32” loan. We asked commenters to share with us whether this perception ended up being a truth, and when just what exactly could possibly be done about it.

Our conclusion is the fact that fee-padding is happening in Maine, and also as one good way to deal with the practice we have been suggesting (see proposed bill connected as Appendix number 1, area 2) that the threshold of “points and fees” that creates area 32 therapy, be lowered from 8% of financing quantity, to 5%.

We base this proposition in the presumption that the method of getting loans in this range (between 5% points and charges, and 8% points and charges) is, in financial terms, “elastic, ” such that developing a unique, reduced level will perhaps not end in an unwillingness regarding the element of loan providers to help make the majority that is vast of loans that currently fall when you look at the range between 5% points-and-fees, and 8%. To phrase it differently, we think that lenders making loans with points and costs totaling 6%, 7% as well as 8%, will lower charges on a lot of those loans to 5%.

We additionally get this proposal using the knowledge that other nearby states (such as for instance Massachusetts and Connecticut) curently have established the low 5% limit within their state statutes. This modification can be in line with proposals advanced level by Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI), and also by AARP with its model home loan legislation work.

We believe that this proposition, along with stricter enforcement of this requirement that the GFE accurately disclose all costs within 3 times of application, should help reduce any “padding” of costs. (See more conversation of the proposal in Issue #16’s reviews, below, on whether loan broker settlement or home loan finance costs should really be “capped”. )

Issue #16: Finance fee ceilings, and loan broker compensation caps

The August 30, 2006 ask for Public Comment asked whether Maine legislation ought to be amended to impose charge caps on broker payment, or even to establish maximum rates of interest on home mortgages. After summary of the responses received, along with seeking to other states for model approaches, OCCR suggests against such maximum cost caps or price ceilings. But, as mentioned into the discussion of problem #15, above, we do suggest that the limit for just what is really a high-rate, high-fee loan under Maine legislation, be lowered from the present 8% associated with loan quantity in points and costs, to 5%.

This proposition to cut back the limit level to 5%, which may bring Maine into line with nearby states such as for instance Massachusetts and Connecticut, wouldn’t normally prohibit the creating of financing by having a points-and-fees amount higher than 5% associated with the loan quantity. Instead, it could just matter such that loan towards the extra consumer defenses found in 9-A MRSA § 8-206-A, including: a) extra notices to consumers; b) limits on prepayment charges; c) debt-to-income ratio tests before particular conditions may be within the loan terms; d) restrictions on default interest rates; ag e) a prohibition against negative amortization; and f) a prohibition against making loans entirely regarding the value for the security.

Predicated on our experience with managing the lending industry in Maine, we think that decreasing the limit from an 8% points-and-fees trigger, to 5per cent, will perhaps not lead to a significant lowering of the loans open to Maine customers. Rather, we think that 1 of 2 things can happen. Either 1) loans will still be produced in the 5% – 8% points-and-fees range, and the ones loans will undoubtedly be susceptible to the high-rate, high-fee defenses; or 2) the points-and-fees amount will likely to be lowered on numerous loans, in a way that these are typically fashioned with terms at or underneath the brand new 5% points-and-fees threshold.

Issue #17: managing settlement agents

OCCR asked commenters whether or perhaps not settlement that is independent must be managed, provided the crucial part they perform within the closing procedure. The attached proposed bill (Appendix #1) does not contain such a provision although a majority of commenters favored the concept. When you look at the reasonably small amount of time used with this research, OCCR have not had a chance to figure out 1) just how many settlement agents practice their trade in Maine; 2) associated with total, exactly how many already are managed skillfully (for instance, numerous such agents are solicitors or workers of lawyers, answerable into the Bar Overseers with their closing-related tasks); or 3) the cost into the State of developing this type of regulatory system, nor exactly just how that expense will be restored.

In the event that Legislature thinks that extra resources should always be appropriated to handle lending that is predatory, OCCR feels that initial consideration ought to be provided to strengthening investigatory or appropriate resources at OCCR (see Issue #26, below), before considering implementing an application to modify settlement agents.

As a aside, we observe that the Legislature has begun to recognize the significance of settlement agents, and of the requirement to bring some legislation to keep on that industry. 33 MRSA § 525, “Duty of Settlement Agent, ” is part of Maine’s “Funded payment Act” enacted in 1999, c. 145, §1. This part calls for settlement agents to quickly disburse funds and record mortgage papers after shutting.

Issue # 18: “Net tangible advantage”

If there are 2 top hot-button problems when you look at the nationwide debate about predatory lending, they have been 1) “net tangible benefits” and 2) obligation associated with market that is secondary. The second problem is addressed in Issue #19, below, although we address the former in this part.

Into the abstract, a web concrete advantage test appears easy to figure out and simply enforced. Conceptually, this kind of supply forbids the creating of that loan unless, considering every aspect for the costs and regards to a loan, and considering most of the economic circumstances for the borrower, the generating of this loan would end in a web tangible benefit to the borrower.

But, this sort of test would include a known degree of subjectivity towards the financing procedure, and both loan providers and loan agents are united in strong opposition to this type of measure. They believe that this type of standard will give discretion that is too much regulators, or even to personal solicitors when you look at the example of civil legal actions or class actions, and therefore the determination of web concrete advantage might be influenced by information never easily available towards the loan providers or agents, for instance the particular used to that your funds is supposed to be placed, or even to monetary circumstances associated with the consumer that the customer may not have revealed to your lender or loan broker throughout the application procedure.

Proponents can draw help through the proven fact that web concrete advantages tests had been included into more than one current multi-state settlements (look at Ameriquest and domestic worldwide settlements), and that a few states also have enacted net concrete advantage conditions. Nonetheless, it’s important to keep in mind that the defendants when you look at the settlements that are multi-state were amenable to such proposals since they had been resolving 1000s of complaints and spending huge amount of money in restitution and charges, despite doubting any wrongdoing. And overview of their state laws and regulations coping with the supply reveals that most of the time its application is bound to refinances, frequently just those refinances closed an extra time because of the same lender.

Finally, you should understand that tools already exist to handle habits of unconscionable financing behavior. Lenders and loan agents may retain their licenses just as long as they run their organizations “fairly” (9-A M.R.S.A. §§ 2-302(2), 10-201). Further, the administrator might,

By legislation or purchase,… Prohibit acts or methods relating to:

A. Home mortgages that the administrator discovers unfair or misleading…; and

B. Refinancing of home mortgages that the administrator discovers are related to abusive financing methods or which can be otherwise perhaps not into the interest of this borrowing public.

9-A MRSA § 8-206-A (16).

Such a method, tailored to particular circumstances or styles found in this State, may show both more versatile and much more effective than statutory modifications, that might have effect that is detrimental the additional market valuations of Maine loans.

Problem #19: additional market accountability

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